Program: Day 4
Common reflections of the May 6 walks

May 7 | 13:00 | Talk | Projectraum / Kunstquartier Bethanien
All the participants of the walks, organizers and guests, are invited to expand on their impressions in a common discussion. In this closing event, let us share thoughts, reflections, photos, interesting moments, your personal experience emerged during / after the walks.
We flex into the city
May 7 | 14:00-15:00 | Talk | Studio 1 / Kunstquartier Bethanien
Geography of steps, geography of the body, geography of a person or a group — we flex into the city, we cut a notch in the geography of the city, we recut it, we reshape it to our will, we sit down and occupy the words and make them ours. Flâneusen* write cities. Flâneusen* rewrite the geography of the city with their words, write themselves into the collective memory. The authors Nadire Biskin and Özlem Özgül Dündar (co-editor) present the anthology Flexen — Flâneusen*schreiben Städte.

Contemporary History of Ukraine
May 7 | 15:00-16:00 | Talk / Performance | Studio 1 / Kunstquartier Bethanien
Contemporary History of Ukraine is a performative walk, which examines transpersonal landscapes of memories, and geographically situated ecologies of feelings across various Ukrainian localities. While the walk is mediated via digital environments (personal videos, recorded conversations, google maps, etc), it is based on footages and chats with different people Oksana has friendships, intimacies, partnerships, shared walks with. To a big extend, this series of lectures consists of the footage of the documentary project Underwater Oksana has been working on since 2015. This documentary features three Ukrainian artists: Ksenia Platanova, Masha Pronina, Antigonna, who share their strategies of transforming their traumatic experiences into subversive and empowering artistic practices. From the nowadays perspective of Russia’s full-scale invasion, the work observes the chains and ruptures of fragile relations between bodies and territories, which are neglected within the logic of informational warfare.
Something is wrong with this city. Feeling of (non)belonging in the urban context
May 7 | 17:00-18:00 | Talk / Interaction | Studio 1 / Kunstquartier Bethanien
Since I myself was displaced from Ukraine after the start of Russia’s full-scale war, my current research project focuses on different subjective experiences of displacement from Ukraine to Berlin. How do displaced Ukrainian women experience the feeling of ‘permanent temporality’ and live through this experience? What are the dimensions of this temporality, and how is it connected with specific ‘displaced identities’, as well as decision-making in a long-time perspective? Herein, I am mostly interested in the role of “urban” in decision-making and identity building, especially, in the processes of appropriation of space, constructing the image of the new city through the concepts of safety/unsafety in the city, and feeling welcomed/unwelcomed.

Reclaim Your City – Urban art and subculture in Berlin
May 7 | 18:00-19:00 | Photolecture | Studio 1 / Kunstquartier Bethanien
For almost two decades, artists and groups have been coming together under the label Reclaim Your City (RYC) for collectively organized exhibitions, mural campaigns, congresses and temporary occupations. The book BITTE LEBN by the RYC network documents this movement, but also asks about the limits of artistic forms of action. A photo lecture about utopian structures in urban space.
"Photos of Sichovykh Striltsiv street"
Dima Levytskyi
Mariia Borysova
May 7 | 15:00-16:00 | Audioperformance | Projektraum / Kunstquartier Bethanien
The war leaves traces on drugstore windows, street lamps, flowers, and rumors in the city market. Dima Levytskyi photographs these traces and adds an audio commentary to them – a detailed description of what is depicted in the photo: who the people are, the types of buildings, their actions, and their connection to the city and the war. The result is a photo-audio album that features all the visuals alongside raw street recordings, primarily from Sichovyh Streltsiv street in Kyiv. We invite you to listen to the audio performance together! Don’t forget your headphones and smartphone to fully immerse yourself in the soundscape.